23 Oct 2015 To assess a physiological role for S-nitrosylation of the ABI5 protein during seed germination, ABI5- and ABI5Cys153Ser-overexpressing lines
Overexpression of RAV1 repressed ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5 expression, and RAV1 bound to the ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5 promoters in vitro and in vivo, indicating that RAV1 directly down-regulates the expression of ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5.
• Overexpression of FOF2 enhances plant drought tolerance. • FOF2 promotes ABA-induced stomatal closure and ABA biosynthesis under drought stress. Direct targets of ABI4 and ABI5 regulation. To emphasize the effects of ABI4 and ABI5 expression, we analyzed 11 day old seedlings, a developmental stage when seed specific transcription factors are not normally expressed but overexpression of ABI4 or ABI5 enhances ABA-inducible responses (Brocard et al. 2002; Söderman et al. 2000).
Loss-of-function in ABI5 (abi5) promotes juvenile-to-adult transition, whereas overexpression of ABI5 delays this transition in short days. Genetic analyses indicated that the effect of mir159ab on vegetative phase change is ABI5 dependent. We demonstrate that FHY3 directly activates ABI5 expression and that overexpression of ABI5 rescues the seed germination defect of fhy3. FHY3 and FAR1 transcription is induced by ABA and abiotic stresses, and these proteins confer drought tolerance.
Abscisic acid‐insensitive 5 (ABI5) is an essential and conserved plant basic leucine zipper transcription factor whose level controls seed germination and postgerminative development. It has been demonstrated that activity of ABI5 is transcriptionally and post‐translationally regulated.
Noteworthily, we showed that down-regulation of NF-YC9 represses, but overexpression of NF-YC9 enhances, ABA-induced ABI5 expression (Fig. 7d), supporting the idea that NF-YC9 both facilitates ABI5 activity and interacts with other components such as RGL2 (Liu et al. 2016) to directly target to and stimulate ABI5 gene expression in response to ABA. 23 Oct 2015 To assess a physiological role for S-nitrosylation of the ABI5 protein during seed germination, ABI5- and ABI5Cys153Ser-overexpressing lines 9 Aug 2019 Overexpression of the soybean (Glycine max) GmbZIP1 gene improved high salt stress tolerance in transgenic plants (Gao et al. 2011), and a ABI5-mediated transactivation was inhibited by overexpression ofabi1-1, the dominant-negative allele of the protein phosphatase ABI1, and by 1-butanol, Participates in ABA-regulated gene expression during seed development and subsequent vegetative stage by acting as the major mediator of ABA repression of 27 Feb 2014 In addition, HY5 binding to the ABI5 promoter is enhanced by ABA treatment, and overexpression of ABI5 restores ABA sensitivity in hy5 22 Apr 2017 (ABI5) in Arabidopsis.
ABI5-mediated transactivation was inhibited by overexpression ofabi1-1, the dominant-negative allele of the protein phosphatase ABI1, and by 1-butanol, a competitive inhibitor of …
If ABI5 is a direct target of HY5, one would expect that overexpression of ABI5 may be able to rescue some of the hy5 mutant phenotypes such as its reduced sensitivity to ABA. The ABI5 overexpression lines were generated in both Col-0 and hy5 background 2020-04-11 · Functional analysis indicated that overexpression of GmSUMO2 gene in soybean hairy roots accentuated the sensitivity to exogenous ABA. Furthermore, the expression levels of ABI3, ABI5, SnRK1.1 and SnRK1.2 were differentially regulated by GmSUMO2 in transgenic soybean hairy roots. Abscisic acid‐insensitive 5 (ABI5) is an essential and conserved plant basic leucine zipper transcription factor whose level controls seed germination and postgerminative development. It has been demonstrated that activity of ABI5 is transcriptionally and post‐translationally regulated. 2019-06-01 · However, the overexpression of ABI5 in the bes1-D background could not rescue the early-flowering phenotype . Because plants overexpressing ABI5 decreased the ABA insensitivity of bes1-D , it is indicated that ABI3-mediated negative regulation of the floral transition would be independent of ABI5 activity, at least under higher-BR-response conditions. We have shown that both ABI5 and ABI3 overexpression can increase endogenous ABI5 protein levels in vivo in a concentration dependent manner (Figures 2e and 3a). Moreover, ABA also strongly regulates post‐transcriptionally the accumulation of both ABI3 (Figure 2g) and ABI5 (Lopez‐Molina et al., 2001).
The endogenous ABI5 phosphorylation and inhibition of germination could be recapitulated by the addition of a SnRK2 protein kinase to the ABI5 overexpression line.
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Se hela listan på frontiersin.org Overexpression of ABI5 Confers ABA Sensitivity to hy5 and Inhibits Hypocotyl Elongation. If ABI5 is a direct target of HY5, one would expect that overexpression of ABI5 may be able to rescue some of the hy5 mutant phenotypes such as its reduced sensitivity to ABA. The ABI5 overexpression lines were generated in both Col-0 and hy5 background 2020-04-11 · Functional analysis indicated that overexpression of GmSUMO2 gene in soybean hairy roots accentuated the sensitivity to exogenous ABA. Furthermore, the expression levels of ABI3, ABI5, SnRK1.1 and SnRK1.2 were differentially regulated by GmSUMO2 in transgenic soybean hairy roots.
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Overexpression of ABI5 in plants to prevent precocious seed germination and to confer resistance to drought and high salt Mar 21, 2001 - The Rockefeller University The bZIP transcription factor ABI5 is shown to confer an enhanced response to exogenous abscisic acid during germination, seedling establishment and subsequent vegetative growth of plants. ABI5-mediated transactivation was inhibited by overexpression ofabi1-1, the dominant-negative allele of the protein phosphatase ABI1, and by 1-butanol, a competitive inhibitor of …
SnRK1α1 Antagonizes Cell Death Induced by Transient Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana ABI5 Binding Protein 2 (AFP2) September 2020 Frontiers in Plant Science 11
Srinivas S. L. Gampala, Ruth R. Finkelstein, Samuel S. M. Sun, Christopher D. Rock
Our data show that loss of FyPP function is sufficient to trigger ABI5-dependent inhibition of seed germination (Figure 2B), which is very similar to the previous report that overexpression of a SnRK2 kinase (PKABA1) in the ABI5-OE background is sufficient to activate ABI5 protein and suppress seed germination (Piskurewicz et al., 2008). 2014-02-27
In addition, ABI5 also acts as an integrator for ABA and other plant hormone signals. Recent studies have shown that ABI5 is involved in photosynthesis by regulating chlorophyll metabolism [15,34,35].
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Detta bevisar det faktum att komplexet av LtWRKY21, VP1 och ABI5 TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19 overexpression in Arabidopsis led to more efficient salt,
2002; Söderman et al. 2000).
Pharmacological assay showed that abi5-1 mutant was insensitive to TOR inhibitor AZD8055, whereas AtABI5 overexpression lines were hypersensitive to AZD8055 in Arabidopsis. Biochemical interaction assays demonstrated that ABI5 physically interacted with the RIBOSOMAL S6 …
In the abi5‐7 mutant, ABA hypersensitivity caused by PYL11 and PYL12 overexpression was totally or partially blocked. By contrast, ABI5 regulates the expression of PYL11 and PYL12 by directly binding to their promoters.
ABI5 is necessary, but not sufficient, to maintain germinated embryos in a quiescent state, abscisic acid also being required for maintaining the quiescent state. ABI5 production is enhanced by stress including high salt and drought.